Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility
It is our aim to present coporate responsibility information in a transparent and informative way and we therefore describe ambitions, challenges and opportunities according to best reporting practices.

Corporate Responsibility

Through preventative and targeted efforts, we seek to reduce our environmental impact and meet stakeholders’ requirements and expectations with regard to sustainable development. The environment, employees, social commitment and business ethics are therefore natural components in our day-to-day work and strategic planning. We are convinced that investing in innovative products that have a reduced impact on the climate will generate environmental and business benefits.

Protecting tomorrow

Our progress is clearly communicated through the Global Reporting Initiative, which forms the foundation of our Sustainability Report and extends to separate climate-impact reports in accordance with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and in-line with the United Nation’s Global Compact. It is also monitored closely by independent institutions and investors.

This Is How We Work

As one of the leading polymer compounding suppliers in the world, we are acutely aware of how we conduct our business.

Focus on Material Issues

Materiality analyses generate an understanding of which areas are particularly important to our stakeholders and for the HEXPOL’s business strategy. The outcomes form a basis on which to set priorities, targets and plans of action in sustainable development. The following categories are considered as significant:

  • Responsible and efficient use of resources – energy, water, chemical products, sourcing of raw materials, climate change, waste minimization, and development of products that contribute to a better environment.
  • Compliance and good business ethics – compliance with legal requirements and stakeholder’s demands and expectations that are related to sustainable development. Combatting corruption is, of course, a key issue where we apply zero tolerance.
  • Responsible and attractive employer – health and safety at work, development of personal skills and knowledge, diversity, equality and human rights.
  • Social engagement – we interact with local communities by participating in and supporting social activities.

Clearly defined sustainability targets – in line with the material issues – demonstrate how the we generate continuous improvements over time. The targets are well-rooted and have been integrated into the business units of the decentralized organization.

Foundation for the sustainability work

Laws, guidelines, international standards, global sustainability objectives and voluntary initiatives, such as UN Global Compact and ISO 26 000, form the foundation for our sustainability work.

  • Materializing Our Values is our Code of Conduct and functions as an ethical compass in matters involving sustainable development.
  • The Business Ethics Guideline informs employees in matters concerning what is and what is not permitted in commercial contacts with customers, suppliers, competitors and distributors.
  • The Environmental Policy and the Health & Safety Policy provide further details about our commitment to environmental protection and workplace issues.
  • UN Global Compact entails the HEXPOL having undertaken to support ten fundamental principles in respect of human rights, labor conditions, environmental consideration and anti-corruption. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are applied in formulating the Group’s sustainability targets.
  • Certified management systems for the environment, quality, work environment and energy have been introduced at the units.
  • The Supplier Sustainability Guideline informs the company’s suppliers in environmental and work environment matters, human rights, business ethics and the supplier’s value chain.

Governance and follow-up

Sustainable development is part of our strategic planning and budget process. The Corporate Board frequently reviews the progress of the sustainability work and approves policies, strategies, and major investments in sustainability-related issues. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for the governance of sustainable development at the Board level. The CEO has the overall responsibility operational aspects of sustainable development.

The practical work is decentralized with managers within the Group’s companies being responsible for policies, targets and results. The activities are followed up by Group management through dialogues with the companies’ management and through internal and external assessments.

Transparent communication

We aim to provide shareholders, and other stakeholders, with relevant information that offers a basis for accurate evaluation of HEXPOL’s financial, operational and sustainability performance.

The GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative) is applied for sustainability reporting. In the area of climate, a separate report is submitted in accordance with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Reporting of climate data is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). In accordance with the requirement in the Global Compact, an annual report is submitted to the UN and sustainability data (ESG: Environment, Social, Governance) is presented at the Nasdaq Listing Center. Details about scope, boundaries and accounting principles are found in the Sustainability Report.

andreas ahrens

Andreas Rangel Ahrens